Comparison was made between the nutritive value and water content of different Phleum pratense varieties based on indices including LWR ( leaf weight ratio), wet to dry weight ratio, and hay yield. 以猫尾草(Phleumpratense)不同品种在各试验点的茎叶比、青干比、草产量等指标为基础,对各品种的营养价值和含水量进行了比较。
In order to inspect the feeding effect and nutritive value of the brown rice as energy feed, daily gain, feed-gain ratio and meat quality of broilers and laying rate, feed-egg ratio and egg quality of layers were measured. 对肉鸡以日增重、料肉比和肉品质为指标,产蛋鸡以产蛋率、料蛋比和蛋品质为指标,来考察糙米作为能量饲料的饲养效果和营养价值。
The results obtained showed that application of N fertilizer in spring would lead to nitrogen contents in stems and leaves on the high side while blooming, fast growth of new branch tips, disproportion of carbon nitrogen nutritive ratio, wide spread of flower falling and fruit falling. 结果表明,春施氮肥,开花时茎叶中氮素含量偏高,新梢旺长,树体内碳氮营养比例失调,落花落果严重;